Moodle tips – New function “Moodle Student Performance by Percentile” & training news

Message from Information Technology Services

Dear teachers/staff,

(1) New Moodle function “Moodle Student Performance by Percentile

It shows the students’ performance in a Moodle course by 25th, 50th and 75th percentile according to the students’ results in the Moodle Gradebook. This provides information about the performance of the class and may help the teacher give appropriate advice to the students as the course is in progress.

More information about “Moodle Student Performance by Percentile” can be found at

The web page “Moodle Student Performance by Percentile” is accessible via HKU Portal -> “My eLearning” tab -> choose a Moodle course -> click the hyperlink in “Course specific information” section at the bottom of the web page.


(2) Learning Management System (Moodle) and Lecture Capture Service (Panopto) training workshops in September 2015 is now available for registration

Workshops on Moodle and Panopto

Course Code Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
PAN-001 Introduction to Lecture Capture Service using the “Panopto” system 23 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 3:00pm – 4:00pm CPD-G.03 Register
PAN-002 Edit, Share and Output Panopto Video Recording 23 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 4:00pm – 5:00pm CPD-G.03 Register
PAN-004 Share existing video files to a Moodle course using Panopto Unison 23 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 5:00pm – 5:30pm CPD-G.03 Register
MOD-002 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Assignments, Choices and Quizzes 30 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 10:00am – 11:00am KB110 Register
MOD-005 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Turnitin and GradeMark 30 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 11:30am – 12:30pm KB110 Register

(1) CPD-G.03 = Room G.03, Central Podium (CPD), Centennial Campus
CPD-3.21 = Room 3.21, Central Podium (CPD), Centennial Campus

Please register by clicking the “Register” hyperlinks. The details are shown at .

For more information and inquiry on Moodle and Panopto training and support, feel free to email:

Best Regards,

Ada Yau
e-learning Team
Information Technology Services

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Botelho on winning the 2015 UGC Teaching Award


Message from the President and Vice-Chancellor

Dear Colleagues, Students and Alumni,

As you might already have heard, we have some terrific news: Dr. Michael Botelho, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Dentistry, has been honoured with the 2015 UGC Teaching Award. Please join me in extending to him our warmest congratulations! The Award was launched by the UGC in 2011 to honour academics in the UGC-funded institutions for their outstanding teaching performance and achievements, as well as their leadership in and scholarly contribution to teaching and learning. Only 2-3 awards are made each year.

Dr. Michael Botelho has taught at the University for nearly twenty years. During this period, he has built an enviable reputation as a committed, compassionate and diligent teacher and colleague, and an influential advocate of problem based learning both within and beyond his Faculty. According to Dr. Botelho, university education should be based on meaningful dialogue with and between students. There is ample evidence that he is adept at creating the conditions for successful learning within the problem based learning curriculum. His approach is one of engaging students, even in large groups, in dialogue through sophisticated use of questioning. In recognition of his outstanding contributions in enhancing student learning, he was awarded the University’s 2014 Outstanding Teaching Award.

It is most encouraging to note that four of our colleagues have been conferred this prestigious Award in the past five exercises, which is clear evidence of the University’s excellence in teaching and learning.

Professor Peter Mathieson
President and Vice-Chancellor

Applications for Teaching Development Grants (TDG) 2015

Message from Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry

feature-tdgapplyWith reference to the invitation circular dated March 6, 2015, this is to remind colleagues that the next round of TDG applications will close on November 16, 2015, and the cut-off date for the third round of applications is December 28, 2015. For details, please refer to the URL below:


Applications should be submitted to Ms. Synthia Chau, Secretary, Teaching and Learning Quality Committee, c/o Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section, Registry. Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Chau ( or Ms. Julie Lau (

> Completed TDG Projects

Learning Management System (Moodle) and Lecture Capture Service (Panopto) workshops

Message from Information Technology Services


Dear Teachers,

(A) The central learning management system Moodle lets teachers create online learning content to support teaching and learning.

In 2015-16, all Moodle courses created based on SIS data will include the following new features on the homepage of a Moodle course:
1. A Forum for discussion among the students and teachers/teaching assistants.
2. A shortcut for “Adding common functions” for teachers to easily add common activities to a Moodle course. The common activities are “Assignment”, “Turnitin Assignment”, “Forum” and “File”.
3. Four themes are now available on Moodle and teachers can change the look and feel of a Moodle course under the course settings page.

(B) The Lecture Capture Service Panopto supports teachers to do audio/video recording synchronized with PowerPoint slides and PC/Mac desktop display. Students can view the recordings through Moodle courses and search inside the recordings.

A new module Panopto Unison allows teachers to upload their existing video files to the Panopto system for further editing. The lecture theatres upgraded after 2011 are equipped with PC and AV facilities which support recording of lectures readily.

ITS has prepared the following Moodle and Panopto training workshops in September for staff. The details are shown at

Please register by clicking the “Register” hyperlinks below.

Introduction of Lecture Capture Service in HKU

Course Code Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
PAN-001 Introduction to Lecture Capture Service using the “Panopto” system 9 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 10:00am – 11:00am CPD-3.21 Register
PAN-002 Edit, Share and Output Panopto Video Recording 9 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 11:00am – noon CPD-3.21 Register
PAN-004 Share existing video files to a Moodle course using Panopto Unison 9 Sep, 2015 (Wed) noon – 12:30pm CPD-3.21 Register

Introduction of Moodle eLearning platform

Course Code Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
MOD-001 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Setting up a Moodle Course Website 17 Sep, 2015 (Thu) 3:00pm – 4:00pm KB110 Register
MOD-002 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Assignments, Choices and Quizzes 17 Sep, 2015 (Thu) 4:30pm – 5:30pm KB110 Register

Introduction of Lecture Capture Service in HKU

Course Code Moodle Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
PAN-001 Introduction to Lecture Capture Service using the “Panopto” system 23 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 3:00pm – 4:00pm CPD-G.03 Register
PAN-002 Edit, Share and Output Panopto Video Recording 23 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 4:00pm – 5:00pm CPD-G.03 Register
PAN-004 Share existing video files to a Moodle course using Panopto Unison 23 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 5:00pm – 5:30pm CPD-G.03 Register

Assessment tools on Moodle

Course Code Course Title Date Time Venue Registration
MOD-002 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Assignments, Choices and Quizzes 30 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 10:00am – 11:00am KB110 Register
MOD-005 Moodle Hands-on Workshop on Turnitin and GradeMark 30 Sep, 2015 (Wed) 11:30am – 12:30pm KB110 Register

(1) KB110 = Room 110, Knowles Building
CPD-G.03= Room G.03, Central Podium (CPD), Centennial Campus
CPD-3.21 = Room 3.21, Central Podium (CPD), Centennial Campus

(2) If you have taken a Moodle hands-on workshop offered by the ITS, we recommend you follow up with an eLearning Pedagogical Support Unit (EPSU)/Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) and a Faculty of Education/Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) seminar. These seminars focus on teaching approaches and good and innovative teaching practices, complement the Moodle workshops offered by the ITS.

e-learning workshops by EPSU/CETL

e-learning seminars by the Faculty of Education/CITE

For more information and inquiry on Moodle and Panopto training and support, feel free to email:

Best Regards,

Ada Yau
e-learning Team
Information Technology Services

Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme

Message from Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section of the Registry

tefs-bannerApplications are now invited for the Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme. The Scheme aims to enhance the scholarship of teaching at the University through enabling academic staff members to share experience and to collaborate on teaching and curriculum development initiatives at reputable universities where excellent pedagogical practices or curriculum innovation are being implemented, and to facilitate reciprocal visits to the University by academic staff of these institutions. The Scheme is a measure also to ensure that our curriculum and pedagogy are benchmarked against international best practice.

All full-time teaching staff with a minimum of two years of service at the University are eligible to apply. Applicants are expected to take a leadership role in curriculum enhancement and pedagogical innovations at the departmental/Faculty level.

Details of the Scheme and application procedures can be viewed at:

Interested colleagues are encouraged to attend the CETL seminars to be held in October 2015 and January 2016. Applications should be submitted to Ms. Julie Lau, Secretary, TLQC Sub-Group on Teaching Exchange Fellowship, c/o Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance Section, Registry. Applications in 2015-16 will be processed in two rounds with the following deadlines:

1st round – Friday, November 13, 2015
2nd round – Friday, March 18, 2016

Enquiries may be directed to Ms. Lau (

ITS Orientations for New Staff

Message from Information Technology Services

ITS Orientations for New Staff

Dear colleagues,

To provide new University staff with useful information about the wide range of services offered by Information Technology Services (ITS), a series of orientation activities will be conducted between late August and mid-September. All new University members are welcome to join.

1. Use of AV/IT Equipment in Central Classrooms

To familiarize themselves with the classroom facility, new teachers and class instructors are encouraged to join one of the training sessions on the use of AV/IT equipment in central classrooms. Through this session, they will be able to learn how to use the control panel, visualizer and other AV/IT equipment in the centrally timetabled classrooms.

For the class schedule and registration, please visit

2. Orientation Seminars

The seminar on “Introduction to Information Technology Services (ITS)” gives an introduction of the comprehensive range of central IT and network services offered by ITS.

On top of the introductory session, the following parallel sessions will be arranged on the same dates. They are-

  • About the University’s Research Support Computing Environment and the HPC/HTC Facilities
  • Introduction to IP Telephony and Video Conferencing Services
  • Chi Wah Learning Commons guided tour

Another series of training on “Introduction to Moodle Learning Management System and Panopto Lecture Capture System” specifically for new colleagues will also be conducted.

For the schedule of the orientation seminars and registration, please visit

3. Exhibition Booth

An exhibition booth will be arranged in the first two weeks of the first semester (September 1 – 11, 2015) with display boards showing the core IT Services, in particular the support for teaching and learning and research with University.

Date: September 1, 2015 (12:00 noon) to September 11, 2015 (5:00 pm)
Venue: G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons, Central Podium Level, Centennial Campus

Veronica Yick
User Services
Information Technology Services

Student Learning Experience Surveys Now Open


The HKUSLEQ and TPgLEQ online surveys are now closed.

HKU conducts institutional surveys on students’ learning experiences regularly to yield information for analysis and renewal of curriculum and pedagogy. The findings help ensure and enhance the quality of learning experiences.

We now invite all first, second and final year undergraduate students to complete the University of Hong Kong Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (HKUSLEQ); and all final year taught-postgraduate students are invited to fill out the Taught Postgraduate Learning Experience Questionnaire (TPgLEQ). Both surveys are conducted on-line. All target students should have received an e-mail invitation with the link to the survey. They can also access the link through the “My e-learning” tab in HKU Portal, as well as this direct link.

It takes about 8-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. All information collected will remain strictly confidential. Please contact the Institutional Survey Team at or 3917- 4787 for technical assistance.

We appreciate and value our students’ response.

HKU Global Assistance Programme by International SOS


Message from CEDARS – Student Development

Dear Students and Colleagues,

The University of Hong Kong partners with International SOS, the leading medical assistance, international healthcare and security assistance company, to provide worldwide emergency support to all students and staff. This progrmme offers local expertise, preventative advice and emergency assistance through their network of assistance centres, clinics and health and logistics providers throughout the world. Students and staff can access destination-specific pre-trip health and safety advices, overseas medical and security assistance, emergency medical care and evacuation and many other important services to prevent or deal with emergencies and unexpected situations in the field.

Please visit for registration and programme detail.

For enquires, please contact Ms Karen Chiu at 2219 4994 or email at

Best regards,

Dr. Albert Ko
Head of Student Development

Scholarships for Studying in Japan and France

Message from Scholarships Office of the Registry

Dear Students,

Applications are now invited for the following external scholarship schemes. Please submit your application to the respective Secretariat directly.

1. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2016 (Research Students)

Target Students:
Non-Japanese students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities in 2015-16.

How to apply:
Hong Kong and Macau SAR residents can submit their applications to the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong by mail or by hand, by May 29, 2015. The selection process includes written test and interview which will be arranged in June 2015.

Ms Maggie Lau, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong (

2. Scholarships for Studying in France
The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau is offering the following scholarships for different disciplines and target student groups:

Application deadline: April 26, 2015 (Extended deadline)
How to apply: On-line application
Enquiries: Ms Lavender Cheung
Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau(
We wish you success with your application!

Kitty Wong
Scholarships Office, The Registry
Please check out for more information on scholarship opportunities, background and sharing stories at HKU Scholarships website.

cc: All teachers – Please bring this to the attention of your students who may be interested in making an application.