CETL EPSU Seminar: Everything You Need To Know About Massive Open Online Courses (Well Almost)

3may2013Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are arguably the most talked about phenomenon in today’s educational landscape. Their potential for changing our understanding of the way in which teaching is delivered is, well, massive. However, a lot of questions remain. What exactly are MOOCs? Are there different types of MOOCs? Why are universities jumping into the MOOC arena? How should a MOOC be organized in order to ensure a quality learning experience for students? Iain Doherty will answer these questions and more in this seminar.

[bsbutton size=”large” style=”default” icon=”none” iconcolor=”black” text=”Registration” link=”https://www2.cetl.hku.hk/cetlevents/regist/211/registEvent.php?eventId=211″ target=”This page”]
Speaker: Dr. Iain Doherty, Director e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
Date: 3 May 2013 (Friday)
Time: 12:45 – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, HKU

For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai, CETL
Tel: 3917 8996
Email: laichun2@hku.hk

e-learning News from EPSU – April 2013

feature-epsu-1Evaluation of the flipped classroom at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Flipping the classroom involves delivering relevant and concise video materials to students prior to a class or lecture hall session. Class time is then utilized to encourage instructor-peer interaction with focus on application of theory to workable examples and case problems. During this seminar, we plan to discuss the findings of a mixed methods study evaluating the use of the flipped classroom at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.

Details of the workshop including registration can be found at http://www.cetl.hku.hk/seminar130419/

For enquiries, please contact Ms Ivy Lai by email at laichun2@hku.hk

EPSU Weekend Workshop on Creating Engaging e-learning Experiences
The EPSU is very pleased to announce that the unit will be running a “hands on” weekend workshop as part of Professor Shekhar Kumta’s 2013 UGC teaching and technology workshop series. The workshop will focus on creating engaging e-learning experiences and using a number of technologies including the Learning Management System, Google sites / Google Apps and mobile devices and applications.

Details of the workshop including registration can be found at http://epsu.cetl.hku.hk/13apr2013/
For enquiries, please contact Ms Ivy Lai by email at laichun2@hku.hk

e-learning Seminar Led By HKU SPACE
This seminar is intended to provide an overview of e-Learning and m-Learning initiatives at HKU SPACE. The design and use of Learning Management System (SOUL 2.0) will be introduced. The underlying principles of instructional design for e-Course development will be illustrated. Examples of engaging and interactive content and activities for effective e-Learning and m-Learning will be showcased.

For details and online registration, please go to: http://www.cetl.hku.hk/seminar130314/
For enquiries, please contact Ms Ivy Lai by email at laichun2@hku.hk

Have Your Say With Moodle
The University e-learning Enhancement Task Force (EETF) has continued to manage the process around requests to enhance Moodle so that the system meets the specific needs of Faculties. If you want to see changes to Moodle you can make a request by self-enrolling in the EETF Moodle Site. To self-enroll follow the following procedure:

  1. Go to http://moodle.hku.hk
  2. Click on “Courses” in the navigation menu on the left hand side of the page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and type “elearning” in the search box.
  4. The search results will include “EETF e-learning Enhancement Task Force [2012]“
  5. Click on the course title.
  6. You will be asked to log in to the HKU Portal.
  7. You can then self-enroll in the course.

The Moodle Users Group
The Moodle Users Group meets most Thursdays at lunchtime for workshops on teaching practice using the Moodle LMS, including blended learning activity development. Come by and bring your laptop to discuss issues you are facing and share solutions you have found to work in your teaching. Click here for the latest workshop schedule.

e-learning seminars by the Faculty of Education and CITE
The Faculty of Education in conjunction with CITE hosts seminars by speakers on a range of e-learning topics, with a focus on innovative use of technology to support teaching and learning. Click here for the latest seminar schedule.

Introduction of Panopto Lecture Capture Solution
Panopto is the centrally managed lecture capture solution adopted by HKU. It can be easily used to record presentations, lectures, screencasts, events, and meetings from any laptop or suitable classrooms. Having been integrated with our Moodle LMS, teachers can login Panopto using their HKU portal account to start recording, and students can view the recordings via their Moodle courses. The pilot running of Panopto will start in April.

Panopto and Moodle Hands-on Training Courses for Staff
The newly introduced Panopto and Moodle hands-on training courses conducted by IT Services in April are now open for registration. Registration and details can be found at http://moodle-support.hku.hk/cms/?q=training/cc-schedule/Apr2013

CETL EPSU Seminar: Using Moodle to Support the Feedback Process

Note: This seminar is a repeat of the one held on 15th January, 2013 (Tuesday).

feedback-268x300The e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit is offering a seminar looking at the pedagogical and logistical features of Moodle that can be leveraged to facilitate the feedback process and ultimately improve the quality of student learning.

The seminar will present seven techniques, using Moodle and related technologies. Techniques will range from those that are quick and easy to implement to those which are more complex but result in deeper and more complete feedback.

Speaker: Mr Darren Harbutt, CETL
Date: 15th April, 2013 (Monday)
Time: 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, HKU

For details and online registration, please go to:


For enquiries, please contact Ms Ivy Lai by email at laichun2@hku.hk.

CETL EPSU Seminar: Creating Engaging e-learning Experiences by Professor Shekhar Kumta

13apr2013Dear Teachers and Colleagues,

Prof. Shekhar Kumta, Assistant Dean on Education, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK, is running a series of UGC seminars on “M-Learning and E-Learning”.

For your information, Prof. Kumta will host another UGC seminar at HKU on April 13, 2013 (Saturday). The seminar will be run by HKU’s e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit.

Title: Creating Engaging e-learning Experiences
Date: April 13, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm, registration starts at 12:00 noon
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, HKU

1. The Theory of Creating Engaging e-learning Experiences
2. Engaging e-learning using a Learning Management System (Moodle)
3. Engaging e-learning using Cloud Applications and Services (Google Sites and Google Docs)
4. Engaging e-learning using Mobile Applications and Services

The registration website is now available at this link:

The programme of this seminar will be updated to the website soon.

The seating is limited and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for your attention.

For any enquiries, please feel free to contact tlrc-elearning@med.cuhk.edu.hk.

Best regards,
Dr Iain Doherty
Director, e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
The University of Hong Kong
Email: idoherty@hku.hk
Tel: +852 39174917

CETL Seminar: Evaluation of the flipped classroom at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Post-seminar reference

Presentation by Dr Neel Sharma

Presentation by Dr Iain Doherty

Presentation by Mr Darren Harbutt

Link to Panopto

Link to Camtasia

Link to Jing

7Flipping the classroom, a term synonymous with Professor Eric Mazur at Harvard University and Salman Khan of the now very well-known Khan Academy, involves delivering relevant and concise video materials to students prior to a class or lecture hall session. Class time is then utilized to encourage instructor-peer interaction with focus on application of theory to workable examples and case problems.

From a medical perspective, there is limited evidence of the merits of such a platform. During this seminar, we plan to discuss the findings of a mixed methods study evaluating the use of the flipped classroom at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. The teaching approach and our findings will be relevant to a wider audience and in particular to anyone who is thinking of flipping a classroom.

Dr Neel Sharma (Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU),
Dr Iain Doherty (CETL, HKU),
Mr Darren Harbutt (CETL, HKU)

Date: 19th April, 2013 (Friday)
Time: 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, HKU

About the speakers
Dr Neel Sharma graduated from the University of Manchester, School of Medicine, in 2007, after which he moved to London to complete foundation and core medical training posts. Neel has a keen interest in medical education having been appointed as a Clinical Lecturer at the Centre for Medical Education at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry and in September last year joined the Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education as an Honorary Tutor.

Dr Iain Doherty is Director of the University’s e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit. He has been involved in e-learning for over ten years and during this time he has developed expertise in teaching and learning theory, learning design, technologies for teaching and professional learning for teaching staff. Iain also leads in e-learning strategy, operations and management.

Mr Darren Harbutt graduated from the University in Manchester in 1987 with a BA (Econ) (Hons). Since then, Darren has spent over 20 years working in education, the last six years of which are in the tertiary sector. To extend his interest in education and technology, Darren completed an MA in ‘Digital Technologies, Communication and Education’ and is currently an Instructional Designer in the e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit, part of the CETL.

For details and online registration, please go to:


For enquiries, please contact Ms Ivy Lai by email at laichun2@hku.hk.

CITE Seminar: A demonstration of the virtual environment for learning experimental procedures in a laboratory – the SWIFT lab

Screen Shot 2013-03-23 at 6.28.26 PMYou are cordially invited to attend the following seminar jointly organized by the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) and the Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education (IMHSE):

Mr Brant Knutzen Learning Designer Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

About the seminar
This seminar will present the current state of the technology for virtual simulations of an experimental laboratory. The primary demonstration will be the SWIFT virtual laboratory (http://www2.le.ac.uk/projects/swift) and the simulated lab bench setups, developed and hosted by the University of Leicester in the UK. Previously these lab benches were set up to host virtual experiments testing for blood samples for Sickle Cell Anemia, Huntington’s Chorea, and other genetic disorders.

The equipment on the benches are virtual representations of PCR thermocyclers, UV transilluminators, protein gel tanks, dye gels, power packs, and a desktop computer. Students are presented with a series of multiple choices testing their ability to recognize the equipment, follow the lab procedures to correctly analyze the blood samples, analyze the DNA testing results, and make the correct diagnosis.

Students are also expected to learn safety procedures such as when to wash their hands, put on a lab coat, wear nitrile gloves, dispose of contaminated waste, use the autoclavable disposal bag holder, etc.

Recently the SWIFT lab has begun setting up a new experiment using Restriction Fragment Analysis and a water bath machine, which includes a 3D animation to graphically show the RFA process.

This seminar is designed to help HKU teaching staff and administrators develop awareness of recent developments in virtual simulation technology at other universities around the world.

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Venue: Telemedicine Centre (MTC), 2/F William MW Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam

Please make your reservation via

For inquiries, please contact Ms Michelle Pun 2819-9841.

e-learning News – Mar 2013

1. Faculty Level Support with e-learning Developments

If you would like to talk about workshops, seminars presentations or one on one support in your Faculty please get in touch with Iain Doherty (idoherty@hku.hk) or visit the EPSU website at http://epsu.cetl.hku.hk.

2. EPSU Working with Professor Shekhar Kumta, UGC Teaching Excellence Award Winner

The EPSU is very pleased to announce that we will be running a weekend workshop as part of UGC Teaching Excellence Award Winner Professor Shekhar Kumta’s 2013 teaching and technology workshop series.

3. e-learning Seminar Led By HKU SPACE

This seminar is intended to provide an overview of e-Learning and m-Learning initiatives at HKU SPACE. The design and use of Learning Management System (SOUL 2.0) will be introduced. For details and online registration, please go to http://www.cetl.hku.hk/seminar130314/

4. Have Your Say With Moodle

The University e-learning Enhancement Task Force (EETF) has continued to manage the process around requests to enhance Moodle so that the system meets the specific needs of Faculties. If you want to see changes to Moodle read the full newsletter for details.

5. The Moodle Users Group

The Moodle Users Group meets most Thursdays at lunchtime for workshops on teaching practice using the Moodle LMS. Click here for the latest workshop schedule.    (http://www.cite.hku.hk/news.php?category=seminar)

6. e-learning seminars by the Faculty of Education and CITE

The Faculty of Education in conjunction with CITE hosts seminars by speakers on a range of e-learning topics.  Click here for the latest seminar schedule.   (http://www.cite.hku.hk/news.php?category=seminar)

7. New and Updated Moodle Plugins

ITS has launched three new great plugins for Moodle after the Chinese New Year holiday – Jmol Filter (http://docs.moodle.org/24/en/Jmol_filter) , Participation Forum (http://pf.bushgrapher.org/) and Anonymous Posting in Forum(http://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Anonymous_posting_plugin) . It has also released useful updates to iClass and Assignment Module of Moodle.

8. Moodle Hands-on Training Courses for Staff

The Moodle hands-on training courses conducted by IT Services for March are now open for registration. Registration and the courses details can be found at: http://moodle-support.hku.hk/cms/?q=training/cc-schedule/Mar2013

Dr Iain Doherty
Director, e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
The University of Hong Kong
Email: idoherty@hku.hk
Tel: +852 39174917

Kenneth Siu
e-learning Team, Information Technology Services
The University of Hong Kong
Email: sky168@hku.hk
Tel: +852 39178708

Brant Knutzen, MSc. IT in Ed (HKU)
Learning Designer,
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong
Email: brant@hku.hk
Tel: +852 2241 5455

e-Learning and m-Learning Initiatives at HKU SPACE – Apr 12


Dr. Weiyuan Zhang, Head of Centre for Cyber Learning, HKU SPACE
Ms. Jeanne Lam, Associate Head of Centre for Cyber Learning, HKU SPACE

Date: 12 April, 2013 (Fri)
Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building, HKU

e-Learning and m-Learning have become an increasingly important part of learning and teaching with evident advantages of flexibility, richness, resource-sharing, and cost-effectiveness. This seminar is intended to provide an overview of e-Learning and m-Learning initiatives at HKU SPACE. The design and use of Learning Management System (SOUL 2.0) will be introduced. The underlying principles of instructional design for e-Course development will be illustrated. Examples of engaging and interactive content and activities for effective e-Learning and m-Learning will be showcased.


For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

e-learning News – Feb 2013

Message from Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

To read more about any of the updates visit the full online version of the newsletter at http://epsu.cetl.hku.hk/elearning-news-feb2013/

1. e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit One Year On

View EPSU milestones on an animated timeline at http://epsu.cetl.hku.hk/epsu_timeline/.

2. Multimedia Development for Teaching and Learning

The EPSU has a multimedia developer who can produce interactive websites, graphics, video content, audio content and animations. Contact Iain Doherty (idoherty@hku.hk) to discuss your requirements.

3. Would You Like to Share Your e-learning Activities with Colleagues

If you would like to connect with your colleagues around e-learning through doing a lunchtime presentation please get in touch with Iain Doherty (idoherty@hku.hk).

4. Have Your Say With Moodle

If you want to see changes to Moodle you can make a request by self-enrolling in the EETF Moodle Site.

5. The Moodle Users Group

The Moodle Users Group meets most Thursdays at lunchtime for workshops on teaching practice using the Moodle LMS, including blended learning activity development (http://www.cite.hku.hk/news.php?category=seminar).

6. e-learning seminars by the Faculty of Education and CITE

The Faculty of Education in conjunction with CITE hosts seminars by speakers on a range of e-learning topics (http://www.cite.hku.hk/news.php?category=seminar).

7. Moodle New Plugins and Features

iClass, NanoGong voice activity and the SETL questionnaire are newly deployed plugins on the centralized Moodle LMS. They are now available for use.

8. Moodle Hands-on Training Courses for Staff

The Moodle hands-on training courses conducted by IT Services for February are now open for registration (http://moodle-support.hku.hk/cms/?q=training/cc-schedule/Feb2013).

Dr. Iain Doherty
Director, e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning
The University of Hong Kong
Email: idoherty@hku.hk
Tel: +852 39174917

Kenneth Siu
e-learning Team, Information Technology Services
The University of Hong Kong
Email: sky168@hku.hk
Tel: +852 39178708

Brant Knutzen, MSc. IT in Ed (HKU)
Learning Designer,
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong
Email: brant@hku.hk
Tel: +852 2241 5455

ITS Orientation Seminars in 2013 Jan

Message from Information Technology Services

Dear colleagues and students,

As the Second Semester is fast approaching, we are arranging the following orientation seminars for new University members to help them familiarize with the use of the central IT services and facilities.

Introduction to Information Technology Services 18 January 2013
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm RR-201, Run Run Shaw Building Course Description and Registration
Introduction to Information Technology Services 23 January 2013
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm RR-201, Run Run Shaw Building Course Description and Registration

You are welcome to attend either one of above seminars.  Please register your attendance through the HKU Event Management System at the links provided above.

For any question on the above, please feel free to contact us at ithelp@hku.hk.

Veronica Yick
User Services
Information Technology Services