CETL EPSU Seminar – Educational Video Production: Design principles for meaningful learning


Organized by e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit, CETL

Speakers: Mr Steve Roberts (Instructional Designer, CETL, HKU)
Date : 11th February, 2015 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

It would take an individual over 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global internet networks each month in 2018, with video consisting of 79% of all consumer internet traffic in 2018 (Cisco, 2014). Whilst this vast access and consumption of video by no means implies viewers are engaging with or learning from high-quality content, it does indicate that video is a dominant online modality for information ‘chunking’ and broadcasting. In light of this ubiquity of video, the ease in which technology can be leveraged to create viewing environments, and its potential as a medium to provide input, higher education (HE) has been integrating video into teaching and learning at a rapidly growing rate. Flipped classrooms, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), blended-learning classrooms and distance courses are a few of the many contexts in which video is employed as a tool for learning.

But, given this huge uptake, perhaps it is worth pausing to consider the nature of the videos which are being produced. Are we sufficiently reflecting on questions such as: What is the difference between video for education and entertainment? What is the impact of visuals and audio, and the relationship between these modalities, on student cognition and learning? Does adding graphics to spoken words help students’ learning? Is talking over PowerPoint slides more or less effective than a talking head alone? Does adding on-screen written text, which parallels spoken text, support or hinder learning?

If you are curious about the answers to these questions, join this seminar where we will discuss approaches to multimedia design; explore foundational ideas on cognitive load and working memory; collaboratively analyse multimedia design principles to aid cognition and learning by looking at several examples; and finally reflect on the relevance of these theories and approaches to our own contexts.

About the Speakers:

Steve Roberts has experience in a range of local and international contexts as a teacher, teacher trainer and courseware designer. He is currently working as part of the EPSU team to develop Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and provide pedagogical support to faculties integrating technology into their teaching and learning environments. His research interests include the potential role of digital technologies for communication and education in international development.

Sandwiches will be served with coffee and tea.

For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

Think Big in Teaching with MOOCs


On 15 Jan 2015, CETL organized a one-day programme ‘Introduction to Teaching and Learning @ HKU’ for teaching staff who are new to teaching at HKU. Our new Associate Vice-President Professor Ricky Kwok, also the Chairman of the HKU Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Working Group, was invited to give a brief session on the recent development of MOOCs. Professor Kwok talked about why developing a MOOC will give teachers unprecedented outreaching opportunities and how it will enable the use of analytics to learn about learning. He also shared the challenges and difficulties of developing a MOOC, and the lessons we have learned.

To grab the starter kit and learn more about MOOC development @ HKU, click here.

To learn more about HKU’s MOOC offerings, click here.

Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Seminar

Coordinator: Dr Suki Ekaratne, CETL, The University of Hong Kong
Date: 13 February, 2015 (Friday)
Time: 12:45pm – 1:45pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building


Grants for overseas reciprocal visits through ‘Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme’

This seminar provides information and an overview of the “Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme” which aims to enhance the scholarship of teaching at HKU through grants for exchange visits. It will explain, and also showcase examples, on how this funding opportunity can be used by HKU teaching staff to share experience and to collaborate on teaching and curriculum development initiatives with overseas reputable universities through reciprocal visits.

The seminar is open to all teaching staff interested in finding out more about this Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme. Staff will be provided an overview of the scheme, how to lodge an application, the key objectives, amounts they can apply for, eligibility and advice in preparing an application. Staff who are thinking about applying in the next round (having a 17th April closing date) are strongly encouraged to attend. The Circular on this scheme can be found at http://intraweb.hku.hk/reserved_2/tlearn/tefs/TEFS-List-A-2014.pdf. Staff who are not sure, or would simply like to know more about the scheme, are also welcome.

Online Registration

For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

More information:
Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme 2014-15

CETL Programme: Introduction to Teaching and Learning @ HKU

Organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Date: 15th January, 2014 (Thurs) 
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm
Venue: Multi-purpose Zone, 3/F, HKU Main Library


This one-day ‘Introduction to Teaching and Learning @ HKU’ programme is a foundation programme in teaching and learning at the University of Hong Kong and is designed for teaching staff, regardless of previous teaching experience, who are new to teaching at HKU. The overall aim is to provide new staff with a better understanding of specific issues relating to teaching and learning context in Hong Kong and at HKU. Staff will hear from leading Senior Academics in areas of strategic importance to the University.

During this programme, participants will be able to gain knowledge and to engage in discussions relating to issues relevant to teaching and learning at HKU. These will include the overview of the 4-year undergraduate curriculum reform delivered by Professor George Tham, Associate Vice-President of HKU, the demography and culture of HKU students, English as a medium of instruction, the common core curriculum, the role and nature of academic advising and about e-learning at HKU. Participants will also have the opportunity to talk in small groups to Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA) winners at HKU and learn about the diverse ways that have made HKU teaching more outcomes-based and how these have enhanced the learning effectiveness of their teaching.

Online Registration

The maximum capacity is 80 on a first-come-first-serve basis. Registration will close on 8th Jan 2015 (Thurs) at 5pm.

For information on registration, please contact:
Ms. Ivy Lai, CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

CETL Seminar: Race in Europe and Asia


Organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Speaker: Dr Ang Sze-wei, Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
Date: 22nd January, 2015 (Thurs)
Time: 12:30pm-1:30pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building


This talk will explore how different expectations and assumptions about the place of literature in culture distinguish HKU and the University of Palermo, and their pedagogy. For Italian students, literature is important to national and individual identity. Italy’s art is important to cultural identity and it is not a political one. Rome was important to world civilization, but Italy now sees itself as a country that is dying. For HKU students, on the other hand, Hong Kong art and literature can also be important to its political identity as it positions itself against and in alignment with China. Certain concepts we take for granted in an American-based education does not always hold through in other national contexts. “World literature,” for example, is not a known entity in Italy. Students who study literature from at least two different languages would identify with “Comparative Literature.” In Libya, as a PhD student from Libya explained during a discussion, students do not study their national literature, but rather, they study pan-Arabic literature. Consequently, pan-Arab identity is emphasized over national identity. Our global condition is marked by how seeing so much more reminds us of how little we actually know and see, and this talk provides a view of some of the challenges universities face in a globalizing world. The development of this work was supported by exchange visits to University of Palermo through a Teaching Exchange Fellowship (TEF) award from HKU.

About the Speaker:

Prior to joining the Department of Comparative Literature at University of Hong Kong, Ang Sze-wei was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Comparative Literature at UCLA. Her current book project is comparative race studies on racial formations in Asian America and South East Asia, and she has published on race in film and literature.

Sandwiches will be served with coffee and tea.


For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

CETL EPSU Seminar: Everyone needs a little ID – What Instructional Design is and what it can do for you


Organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) and Common Core Curriculum Office (CC)

Speakers: Dr. Jingli Cheng, e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit
Date : 21st November, 2014 (Friday)
Time : 12:45pm – 1:45pm
Venue : Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building


This seminar is for professors, teaching staff and anyone else who is designing and delivering learning experiences for students. We will introduce key principles of instructional design, a multidisciplinary field that encompasses learning psychology, human performance and technology, and discuss processes that you can incorporate in your current teaching and learning design and delivery practice.

We will also draw from perspectives of practitioners at Stanford University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Arizona State University, who will contribute to the discussions via recorded videos. From this seminar, participants can expect to gain insights, practical skills and the confidence to help them better design the learning experiences they want their learners to have.

About the Speakers:

Dr. Jingli Cheng has extensive experience applying instructional design theories and best practices in various organizational settings to help learners improve their knowledge and skills. Before joining the HKU’s e-learning Pedagogical Support Unit, he worked as Instructional Designer at Stanford University, the Hewlett Packard company and several other organizations in the United States. His research interests include motivation for knowledge sharing in online communities and informal learning in organizational settings.

Sandwiches will be served with coffee and tea.

For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

CETL Seminar: Unprecedented Outreaching via MOOCs: Landscape, Issues, and Opportunities


Speakers: Professor Ricky Kwok, the Chairman of the HKU MOOC Working Group
Date : 30 October 2014 (Thursday)
Time : 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

Organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is touted as being able to bring seismic change to higher education. While such change still remains to be seen, MOOCs have already polarized the higher education community. Indeed, some people wholeheartedly embrace MOOCs as the ultimate form of e-learning or even the real killer-app of the Internet but many others dispose of the notion and treat MOOCs as another bubble waiting to burst. Big questions such as “What values do MOOCs bring back to campus?”, “What is the business plan to make this sustainable?”, etc. keep baffling all major stakeholders of universities.

HKU, like many other world-class universities, has joined edX to deliver MOOCs. In this talk, the speaker, currently overseeing the development of HKU MOOCs, will share his views on the MOOC phenomenon, issues (pedagogical, coordination, etc.) involved, and opportunities available.

About the Speakers:

Ricky Kwok is Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at HKU. His research and teaching interests are mainly about large scale distributed computing systems. Currently Ricky is serving as the Chairman of the HKU MOOC Working Group, which advises the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) on pertinent issues about MOOCs, such as strategic directions, courses development, and technical matters.

For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.

CETL Seminars: Teaching Development Grants (TDG) Seminar Series


Organized by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are sorry to inform you that Seminar 3 has been postponed to early next year. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

CALL FOR: Applications for Teaching Development Grants (TDG) 2014

The Teaching and Learning Quality Committee (TLQC) invites submission of project proposals for funding support from the Teaching Development Grants (TDG). The TDG Scheme underlines the University’s commitment to furthering its mission in Teaching and Learning. The TDGs are intended to support projects and activities that will have an impact on the strategic development and promotion of T&L. Given the implementation of the reformed undergraduate curriculum in September 2012, the Committee will support initiatives beyond the exploration and development of the new 4-year undergraduate curriculum, in particular the systematic collection and analysis of direct evidence of the impact of the new curriculum and teaching on student learning. Applications should be submitted to Ms. Synthia Chau, Secretary, Teaching and Learning Quality Committee, c/o Academic Development and Quality Assurance Section, Registry. Enquiries may be directed to her or Ms. Julie Lau on 2219 4997. To facilitate TDG, a seminar series will be offered.

Seminar 1

Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014
Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

Topic: Teaching Development Grants Round-table Discussion

Dr Cecilia Chan, Head of Professional Development, Associate Professor, CETL

This roundtable discussion is open to all teaching staff who are interested in finding out more about the Teaching Development Grants funded by the University. Staff will be provided an overview of the funding scheme, the allocation criteria, priority areas and advice in preparing the application. Teachers will have the opportunities to discuss their ideas and challenges with colleagues, and for those, who are looking for cross-discipline partners or guidance, you are strongly encouraged to attend. Staff who are not sure, or would simply like to know more about the grant, are most welcome.

Seminar 2

Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014
Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

Topic: Determining the Standards for Plagiarism and a De Minimis Exception among HKU’s Peer Institutions

(November 2013 Completed TDG project)
Dr James D. Fry, Associate Professor of Law, Director of the LL.M. Programme, Department Anti-Plagiarism Coordinator, Deputy Director of the Japan and Korea Programme

This Teaching Development Grant produced a 109-page academic report on the various plagiarism-related standards and penalties that 18 of HKU’s peer institutions have adopted. The institutions that were included in this academic study were Harvard University, Stanford University, Princeton University, Columbia University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of California Berkeley, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Cornell University, Boston University, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, University College London, Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales and the National University of Singapore.

About the speaker:
Dr James D. Fry joined the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law in August 2008. He enjoys teaching and researching all aspects of law, in particular international law and comparative law, as well as legal education. Dr Fry is a member of the New York Bar and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, as well as the American Society of International Law, the European Society of International Law, the New York City Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the Swiss Arbitration Association. Dr Fry also is an accredited mediator with the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution.

Topic: Involving Lay People as Teachers and Assessors in Communication Skills: Legal Education as a Case Study

Wilson CHOW (Associate Professor, HKU Faculty of Law), Michael NG (Assistant Professor, HKU Faculty of Law)

This paper reports an empirical study of the use of simulated clients to teach and assess the interviewing skills and communicative competence of law students at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). In 2013-14, over 320 HKU Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (“PCLL”) students participated in interviewing exercises with simulated clients, who are lay persons trained to portray clients in a realistic manner by adopting the standardized clients training program initiated in Scotland since 2006. The paper will present the data analysis of assessment results of the students and their evaluation of this experiential learning program. While our analysis confirms the reliability and validity of using standardized clients as teachers and assessors of interviewing skills, it also reveals the necessity of modification of the original design of standardized client program according to specific cultural and commercial needs in an Asian business city like Hong Kong.

About the Speakers:
Wilson Wai-shun Chow, Associate Professor, is the first full-time local teacher in the HKU Department of Professional Legal Education. He was awarded funding under the HKU Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme and the Teaching Development Grant to develop, inter alia, the Standardized Clients project at HKU. In recognition of his contribution to the curriculum reform and development in the HKU Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme and effort in teaching and learning research, he has been given the Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award in 2012.

Dr Michael Ng joined the Faculty of Law as Assistant Professor in 2012. An active researcher in experiential legal education, Dr Ng’s works have been published in international edited volume and presented in international conferences. He is a core member in developing teaching and assessment tools for experiential legal education in the HKU Department of Professional Legal Education.

Since 2012, the two speakers have been working closely in enhancing and enriching the learning experience of law students at HKU. They have co-presented at legal education conferences in the UK and the US and contributed to the scholarship of experiential learning in legal education.

Seminar 3

Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014
Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are sorry to inform you that Seminar 3 has been postponed to early next year. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Topic: Evaluation of the Core University English Course

(September 2013 Completed TDG project)
Ms. Miranda Legg, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Applied English Studies

CAES1000 – Core University English course was offered for the first time in the 2012/13 academic year to 2,900 students. The course focuses on enhancing first-year students’ English language proficiency in the university context. It aims to help students bridge the gap between secondary school study and study at an English-medium university. It is essential that any new course of this size go through a rigorous quality assurance review process in the first year of its implementation. The purpose of this TDG project was to gather evaluative feedback from students and teachers on the CAES1000 learning outcomes, learning materials, assessments and the usefulness of the learning outcomes to students’ future studies at HKU, in order to identify areas for course improvement. Quantitative data were gathered in the form of evaluative questionnaires given to students and qualitative data were gathered from four rounds of focus group interviews with students and two rounds of anonymous teacher feedback questionnaires. The results showed that some changes needed to be made in the area of student and teacher workload, the way that the Moodle online learning system functioned and the integration of more writing practice and feedback to students. Results also showed that students valued the chance to improve their academic writing and speaking skills.

About the speaker:
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Ms Miranda Legg first completed a BA, majoring in Criminology and Philosophy. She then moved into the field of EFL and has since worked in Australia, England, Slovakia and Hong Kong as both a teacher and a manager. During her teaching career, she has gained experience in many areas of teaching, such as EAP, ESP and Computer Assisted Language Learning. She is now teaching a number of different English enhancement courses for undergraduates as well as coordinating the Core University English course. She teaches thesis writing skills to postgraduate students and co-teaches a core module on discourse analysis on the Centre’s MA in Applied Linguistics. Her main areas of interest are oral discourse analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistics, language assessment, Communication across the Curriculum and ESP and EAP course development. She is currently working on a PhD in the area of EAP curriculum design.

Topic: A study on applying the self-learning paradigm in teaching advanced technical courses

(August 2013 Completed TDG project)
Dr Chun-kit Chui, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science

Computer science and information technology are two fast evolving fields in the modern world. An undergraduate program in these fields must consist of two key components: (1) a training in the fundamental knowledge of the discipline and (2) a training in self-learning. The latter component is especially important for graduates to adapt to the ever-changing world of technology. This project aims at studying the effect of applying the self-learning paradigm in teaching advanced technical courses in the computer science program. We identify the key differences between a self-learning lab-based method of teaching and the traditional classroom-based method. We study these differences through a controlled experiment in which we teach the same materials to two cohorts of students under the two different modes of study. We systematically collect and analyze student feedback, and compare and contrast student progress under the two teaching schemes. We also study how Moodle can be used to support self-learning courses.

About the speaker:
Dr Chun-kit Chui received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Hong Kong. He was selected for the Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (Individual Award) of the Faculty of Engineering in 2012-13. He has also received the Teaching Excellence Award in the Department of Computer Science in 2012-2013 and in 2011-2012, and the Best Tutor Award in 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2010-2011.

Seminar 4

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014
Time: 12:45pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Room 321, Run Run Shaw Building

Topic: Developing Collaborative Culture for Professional Learning

(February 2014 Completed TDG project)
Dr Dennis C.L. Fung, Assistant Professor, Programme Coordinator of BEd&BSc, Division of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education

The project created the space for a group of teacher educators from the Faculty of Education to build a community of trust for individual and collective conceptualization of core values, pedagogical principles, strategies in teaching and curriculum development of the four-year programme of Bachelor of Education in Liberal Studies (BEd-LS). Through collaboration, we completed a schedule of 13 monthly gathering with sustainable critical discussion over a progressive track for higher learning which were documented (with a package of the synopsis, PPT and the post-seminar review). For peer support, a 4Rs framework (Respect, Responsibility, Relevance and Relationship) has been developed through the sustainable inquiry over monthly reflections. Accordingly, a Value-Oriented Peer Support Exercise (VOPSE) is put into practice. A culture of collegiality was generated among our project members, and pedagogical innovative thinking was gradually integrated into practice with sensitivity to our core values, as we are sharing contextual understanding of our 4Rs framework. One journal article entitled ‘Liberated to learn: Teacher Education as Transformation of Relationships’ has been published.

About the speaker:
Dr. Dennis C.L. Fung is an Assistant Professor of Division of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Education. His teaching areas include: Teaching of Integrated Science [EDUC7040] (PGDE FT/PT); Becoming a teaching profession: Education in a globalised society (I) (BEd&BSc); Classroom Research: An Introduction [EDUC2004] (BEd); and Teaching of Critical Thinking in General Studies [EDUC 7130 / EDUC 8130] (PGDE FT/PT). His research interests are: Liberal Studies / General Studies; Science Education; Group Work; Critical Thinking; and Educational Policy.

Topic: The Creation of a Virtual Student Adviser: Merging Advising and Artificial Intelligence

(February 2014 Completed TDG project)
Professor Wai-kin Chan, Associate Dean (Student Affairs), Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science c/o Academic Advising Office

The University-wide Academic Advising System was fully implemented across faculties in the 2012-13 academic year. Along with this, the University encourages web-based advising as an important tool in support of net-generation students who have lived their entire lives centered in digital technology. The Senate specifically recommended adopting technology for advising to complement traditional face-to-face advising. The objective of this project is the development of an interactive and multi-dimensional online academic advising tool in the form of a virtual student adviser. By using Artificial Intelligence (Natural Language Processing) software, the virtual student adviser enables students to seek academic information and begin to explore academic options through engaging digital and mobile platforms. The virtual student adviser, as known as Annie and available at annie.aao.hku.hk, offers around-the-clock dialogue for general academic issues and encourages students to consult advisers as necessary. This new automated advising system is linked through the AAO website and available as mobile applications.

About the speaker:
Professor Wai-kin Chan is a Professor of Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science. He is also the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) of Faculty of Science. Currently he is also serving as the chairman of the Academic Advising Committee. His teaching areas include courses in materials science courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. His research interests include design and synthesis of organic molecular and polymeric materials with interesting electronic and photonic properties; metal-containing polymers for photovoltaic applications; fabrication of organic opto-electronic devices by novel thin-film deposition methods; and synthesis of organic-inorganic nanocomposites. In 2004, he won the HKU Outstanding Young Researcher Award.


For information on registration, please contact:
Ms Ivy Lai , CETL
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: laichun2@hku.hk.