International Conference – Beyond the Formal Curriculum in Universities: Conference Summary

Conference Summary

The International Conference – Beyond the Formal Curriculum in Universities was held on 30-31 August 2016 by the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL), Professional Development and Capacity Building for Residential Education (ResEd) Project, and Hall Education Development (HED) Project at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). The conference concentrated on hall and residential education, including its history, challenges, role in skill development and personal growth, and the future directions of such education in Hong Kong and around the world. With Keynote speakers coming in from Cambridge, Harvard, and the National University of Singapore (NUS), over 200 academics and professionals attended, coming from other higher education institutions in Hong Kong and around Asia.


The event began with some warm welcoming remarks from Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Hong Kong, followed by those of Professor Sandra Tsang, Chairperson of the Committee on Halls, and the Conference Chairperson and Warden of the RC Lee Hall, Dr Robert Chung.

Reverend Duncan Dormor, Dean of St John’s College at the University of Cambridge, was the first to take the stage with his keynote presentation “‘Jewel in the Crown?’ The Oxbridge College: Its Origin, Character and Future”. Touching on the history of the college model in higher education, he highlighted how collegiality in the Oxbridge residential colleges – inclusive of college allegiance, belongingness, interdisciplinary learning and relationship building – acted in combination with a plethora of extracurricular and academic opportunities to emphasize and develop a strong character and college spirit, amidst a rich array of activities, clubs, traditions, tutorial systems and research opportunities.


The next session, titled “From Present to Past: The Evolution of Hall/Residential Education”, was chaired by Dr Kaimin Shih, Warden of the Suen Chi Sun Hall. The presentations focused on past developments in residential education up to the present day, in both HKU and at the University of Macau (UM). The HKU presentations included an overview of our halls in following the Oxbridge residential model, the establishment of residential colleges and how they compare to traditional halls, and the continued challenge of promoting internalization in halls where Cantonese is the dominant language, while the UM presentation explained how its newly established Residential College System helped students attain overall learning outcomes. Presenters included Dr Eric Chong (Warden of St John’s College, HKU), Professor Haydn Chen (Vice Rector of Student Affairs at UM), Ms Rainbow Wong (Acting Deputy Master of the Chi Sun College, HKU) and Mr Kevin Yung (Senior Resident Tutor in Simon KY Lee Hall).


In the afternoon, Professor Kenneth Leung, Warden of Morrison Hall, led a panel discussion on residential education around the world, aptly titled “Hall and Residential Education in a Global Perspective”. Reverend Duncan Dormor and Professor Hayden Chen returned on stage as panelists and were joined by Mr Renaldo Michael Pearson (Academic Coordinator of Winthrop House at Harvard University) and Professor Adekunle Adeyeye (current and founding College Master of the Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) at NUS). The discussion began with each panelist outlining the hall system at their respective universities, and followed with an in-depth exchange about ongoing challenges, which included the need to embrace diversity of both student and staff in halls, the sustainability of residential models and the development and assessment of generic competencies. The panelists concluded with a unanimous agreement that the most rewarding aspect of their work was the opportunity to work closely with students and watch them in their growth and achievements.

The last session of the day was chaired by Dr Siu Man Ng, Warden of the Simon KY Lee Hall, titled “Hall and Residential Education in Hong Kong”. Presentations were focused on the current position of residential education in Hong Kong (with specific examples from HKU and Lingnan University). Some speakers presented student responses to surveys regarding residential education and hall life, with further suggestions made to address concerns raised by the surveys, such as the need to implement strategies targeted at nurturing self-care and independence of residents. Presenters included Professor Annie Chan (Warden of the William MW Mong and Bank of East Asia Hall, and Associate Dean of Social Sciences at Lingnan University), Mr David Choi (undergraduate student at HKU), Dr Robert Chung, and Dr Maggie Zhao (Director of the Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit, HKU).


Day two kicked off with a keynote presentation by Professor Adekunle Adeyeye titled “Transmission from Home to College: Opportunities and Challenges in a Year One Residential College”. He began with stressing the need to assist freshmen students in transitioning into the university, and detailed a programme in RVRC that aimed to help students develop academic and co-academic learning components. The programme includes peer mentorships, industry dialogues and community building activities, and also provides regular fieldtrip and project opportunities for students to connect with a problem to integrate classroom learning and theory with reality and experiences. Going forward, Professor Adeyeye acknowledged the challenge of integrating the college’s program with the university’s, and the need to continue establishing the RVRC’s name and brand.

Professor Thomas Ng, Warden of the Lee Shau Kee Hall, chaired the next session titled “Measuring and Assessing Learning Experiences in Hall and Residential Education”. Discussions focused on the importance of residential education in developing soft skills and generic competencies, and the specific programs and activities offered at certain residences that promoted experiential learning, artistic exploration, and personal growth of resident students. Presenters included Dr Cecilia Chan (Head of Professional Development, CETL, HKU), Professor Spencer Benson (Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement, UM), Dr Natalie Pang (Faculty in Residence at Crescent Hall, Nanyang Technological University), and Professor Greg Peterson (Fellow at the College of Alice & Peter Tan, NUS).


Representing Harvard’s Winthrop House, Mr Renaldo Michael Pearson was next to give his keynote presentation titled “Why Harry Potter Chose Harvard: A House System that Continues to Cultivate Top Talent”. He drew on the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as featured in the fictional Harry Potter series, to detail Harvard’s houses, residential system, and intermural activities. He also put particular emphasis on the organizational structure of the houses – inclusive of faculty deans, academics, and residential and non-residential tutors – and its irrefutable role in supporting the robust character building experiences and successful undertakings of Harvard’s students.

The conference concluded with a session titled “The Way Forward: Professionalization and Specialization”, chaired by Professor Raymond Cheung, Warden of the Lee Hysan Hall. Structured as a panel discussion, presenters discussed various pressing needs of residential halls, particularly in HKU. Multiple suggestions were made in regards to the continuing need for professional development, academic advising and staff training in residential education. Concerns regarding student discontinuation and suicide were also brought forth, with panelists urging the continued need to help students directly in coping with hall life stressors. Speakers included Dr Wilton Fok (Senior Resident Tutor of Suen Chi Sun Hall), Ms Katherine Wan (Head of the Academic Advising Office, HKU), Professor Anthony Yeh (Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Discontinuation, HKU), Ms Linda Yeung (Clinical Psychologist at the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS), HKU), and Professor Paul Yip (Director of the Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, HKU).


In his closing remarks, Dr Robert Chung emphasized the importance of continuing intellectual pursuits in hall and residential education, and expressed his enthusiasm in pursuing new endeavors with new collaborators. Echoing the word “Beyond” in the name of this maiden conference, Dr Chung looked towards the future and voiced his hope that everyone would continue their efforts in exploring what is next for hall and residential education, and can one day meet again to share more experiences, research and insights.

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Nurturing Caring Leaders Programme 2017

Message from HKU Horizons Office

feature-ugcDear Students and Colleagues,

In 2017, HKU will launch the Nurturing Caring Leaders Programme. The Programme, which will be credit-bearing subject to Senate approval, will recruit 100 HKU students to work alongside 50 teenagers drawn from Hong Kong secondary schools and youth organizations. Their joint task will be to deliver English-language classes in marginalized and improvished communities in three Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand.

The programme will enable 100 HKU students to:

  • gain one week of training in teaching English as a second language
  • teach English for eight weeks in Cambodia, Myanmar or Thailand
  • develop leadership skills inside and outside the classroom
  • engage in mentorship both in Hong Kong and in Southeast Asia
  • understand mainland Southeast Asian through an immersion experience
  • contribute to positive social development through knowledge exchange.

Each participant will receive HK$10,000 from the Hong Kong Jockey Club to support airfare, accommodation and in-country costs. Application period is from November 14, 2016 to January 20, 2017. Details can be viewed at

Two identical briefing sessions will be held to introduce the Programme:

  • Wed September 28 at 3 pm in Convocation Room , Room 218, 2/F, Main Building
  • Mon October 7 at 3 pm in G-07, G/F, Main Building.

All are welcome.

Professor Ian Holliday
Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning)
The University of Hong Kong

International Conference – Beyond the Formal Curriculum in Universities


Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the Conference:

Date : 30-31 August, 2016 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
Venue : Wang Guangwu Theater (Graduate House), HKU
Keynote speakers :
The Reverend Duncan Dormor, Dean, St. John’s College, The University of Cambridge
Renaldo Michael Pearson, Assistant to the Resident Dean, Winthrop House, The Harvard University
Prof Adekunle Adeyeye, Founding College Master, Ridge View Residential College, The National University of Singapore

You are cordially invited to take part in the captioned conference which will be held on 30-31 August 2016 at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Our goal is to bring experts, scholars, researchers, co-workers, and various stakeholders in the area of hall/residential education to discuss the development of this precious mode of education in universities.

We hope the conference would provide a platform for fruitful dialogues between hall wardens, college masters, resident tutors, and other experts engaged in the development of hall/residential education around the world. More details of the conference is outlined on our website

Concepts of Hall/Residential Education

  1. Evolution of halls, colleges, houses, and so on in top universities around the world
  2. Challenges facing hall/residential education in top universities around the world
  3. Hall/residential education in the Hong Kong context
  4. Different modes of hall/residential education in HKU
  5. Studies on, and projects related to hall/residential education

Generic skills for outside classroom activities

  1. Developing generic skills for outside classroom activities
  2. Assessing and evidencing generic skills for residential education

Application of e-learning on Hall/Residential Education

  1. Official launching of the “ResEd online course”, with demonstrations
  2. Application of e-learning in conference discussions: in plenary and deliberation sessions
  3. e-Portfolio for hall education, residential learning and co-curriculum activities

Staff Training on Hall/Residential Education

  1. Residential academic advising: Local and overseas experience
  2. Basic skills in conflict management
  3. Development of leadership skills among students
  4. Basic skills in counselling, advising, mental health first aid
  5. Inclusion and students with special education needs

Admission to the conference is free of charge and we very much hope that you are interested to participate. A confirmation of registration will be sent to all successful registrants.


For information, please contact:
Miss Michelle CHENG, Conference Secretary
Phone: 3917 1276; Email:

Asian e-Table: the e-learning Mexican wave


Prologue: Initiating a large scale collaboration is not much different from starting a Mexican wave – grab the people around you, gather a concerted effort to do something exciting and let others pick up the momentum.

The 2nd annual Asian e-Table was held on May 12-13. We joined hands again with e-learning advocates from nine top-notch universities 1 in Asia to spark ideas for a common Asian position so as to create a bigger impact in the region.

photo_2016-07-12_10-08-28[From left to right] Professor Roger CHENG (HKUST), Ms Helie KIM (YU), Professor Joon HEO (YU), Professor Toru IIYOSHI (KU), Professor Ricky KWOK (HKU), Dr. Huang Hoon CHNG (NUS), Professor Xiaoming LI (PKU).

“Crowdsourcing” Contents – Internationalization at Home

Producing high quality contents require tremendous time and resources so why not make the most out of them? The Asian e-Table is looking to establish a common platform to pool the contents developed by all the institutions involved. Once this is achieved, we aim to develop a mechanism for credit transfer. Taking advantage of the Asian time zone, the platform could potentially serve as a synchronized virtual classroom where students can learn, collaborate and co-create with their overseas counterparts, right at home.

Incoming Skype call from Professor Anant AGARWAL, Chief Executive Officer, edX.

Regional (E-)Teaching Excellence Award

For e-learning material producers, one major source of frustration is the lack of awareness, support and acceptance by fellows. Therefore it is of crucial importance that recognition is given to teachers who are willing to adopt this new practice – and excel in doing so. The Asian e-Table is looking to launch a Regional (E-)Teaching Excellence Award to reward and promote excellence in e-teaching. It is also an effective way to celebrate achievements in e-learning, which can potentially evolve into communities of practice headed by the awardees. Making e-learning an “established” practice could be the way to sway more professors in, which means wider and better collaboration.

Incoming Skype call from Professor Benson YEH, Director of MOOC Program, National Taiwan University.

The big shot – Asian Consortium

With these new initiations, the Asian e-Table aims to create some buzz which could generate a more extensive wave of international e-learning collaboration. Our ultimate goal is to connect all the e-advocates in the region into an Asian Consortium. By benchmarking the quality of e-learning and associated parameters, and enhancing professional development and teacher training, we hope to turn e-learning into the new standard of learning.

1 Kyoto University, National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore, Peking University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The University of Hong Kong, University of Science and Technology, with Yonsei University as a new member

The BOLT roadshow


Technology has opened up new opportunities for professional development. Choices are no longer restricted to traditional half-day seminars. With new online platforms such as the Blended & Online Learning & Teaching (BOLT) Project, we can now learn anytime, anywhere. This project aims to support technology-facilitated teaching through developing online resources and forming professional learning communities. Leaders of the project, Professor Lim Cher Ping from The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) and Mr. Darren Harbutt from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU); together with two project teachers, Assistant Professor Veronika Schoeb and Mr. David Watson from PolyU, shared their experiences in developing blended learning in a seminar on 31 May 2016.

(4) Dr. Lim copy

Professor Lim shared EdUHK’s grassroot approach towards promoting professional development of blended learning in Hong Kong. They begin with providing programme/course/department-based support within individual faculties, then sharing the resources with other faculties in the institution, and eventually with other local and international higher education institutions.

(5) Veronika

Dr. Schoeb is one of the teachers who took the BOLT Foundation course and applied the knowledge in developing her course “Qualitative research methods and statistics.” A variety of learning activities were tried out in her teaching, including Kahoot, online test, group work, onsite fieldwork and classic face-to-face sessions. This blended learning approach promoted active learning and was evaluated positively by her students.

(6) David copy

Mr. Watson urged the audience to check out the BOLT Foundation course to learn more about blended and online learning. You may also sign up for the CMALT Professional Development Module, a mentor-supported online module in developing a portfolio to showcase your expertise in learning technologies. Be sure to subscribe for the BOLT Newsletter as well!

(3) Darren copy

More photos of the seminar can be found on our Facebook and Twitter.

Afternote: The HKU team has developed an online module on the basis of e-learning in collaboration with the BOLT team. The course will re-run this summer. Stay tuned for more information.

NETL 2016 Conference Summary

NETL 2016 Conference Summary

The Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) recently hosted the annual gathering of the Network for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in research-intensive universities (NETL) from 16 to 18 March 2016. This event brought together delegates from ten universities from around the world to share good practices in advancing teaching and learning, specifically in the context of research-intensive universities.

As well as allowing each university to update other network members about their particular strategic issues, current projects and possible forthcoming changes, the programme also included three discussion sessions to consider issues particularly relevant to research-intensive universities. The topics discussed this year were: the research-teaching nexus, establishing teaching academies, and the place for professional standards frameworks in universities’ enhancement of teaching practice.

The gathering began with a warm welcome from Professor Ian Holliday, the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Teaching and Learning) and an overview of the event programme by Professor Grahame Bilbow, the Director of CETL.

The first discussion was in relation to the research-teaching nexus. The research-teaching nexus describes the interplay between the teaching and research roles of individual academics as well as the roles of teaching and research across a university as a whole. Professor Adam Bridgeman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) at University of Sydney, and Dr. Cecilia Chan, Associate Professor at CETL, started the session with a joint presentation on how the research-teaching nexus might enhance students’ and academics’ experiences of higher education. The presentation led to a deep discussion touching upon the meaning of the research-teaching nexus in practice, the weighting of research and teaching in universities, the role of research in undergraduate education, the challenges facing faculties and institutions when they attempt to achieve a meaningful relationship between research and teaching, and what centres for teaching and learning can do to help university academics achieve a meaningful balance between their research and teaching activities.

The second discussion focused on the challenges of establishing a teaching academy: a community built to promote and recognize excellence in teaching and learning among academics. Discussion revealed that several universities favour establishing a teaching academy, where academic staff may become eligible for membership either through attending teaching development events or through demonstrating excellence in teaching. Discussion was guided collaboratively by Dr. Huang Hoon Chng, Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) at National University of Singapore, Professor Sari Lindblom-Ylänne, Director of the Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education at University of Helsinki, Professor Sandra Klopper, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at University of Cape Town, Professor Jan Van Tartwijk, Professor of Education at Universiteit Utrecht, and Dr. Maria Larsson, from the Division for Higher Education Development at Lund University. Each introduced the structure and nature of their own teaching academy, and described the ways university academics were connected to the teaching academy, and the impact of their involvement. Subsequent discussion explored the effectiveness of a teaching academy as an interdisciplinary community of university teachers who had recognized expertise in certain areas of university teaching and who valued the scholarship of teaching and learning. As such, teaching academies could be considered a form of community of practice.

The third discussion homed in on the notion of a professional standards framework. Professional standards frameworks involve establishing a system for recognizing standards of practice, and describing the qualities and qualifications that can be used as a reference point by institutions or individuals for teaching development. Professor Grahame Bilbow, Director of CETL at HKU, described one of the most successful professional standards frameworks, the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), and Professor Jens Dolin, the Head of Department of Science Education at University of Copenhagen, offered an overview of the professional standards framework developed at the University of Copenhagen, which makes reference to the UKPSF. The discussions that followed explored the extent to which professional standards frameworks can be utilized to support institutions and teachers to develop their excellence in teaching and to publicly demonstrate the professionalism of individual teaching staff.

These three discussions were a great opportunity for the research-intensive university membership of the network to share different perspectives on issues of great relevance. They also reinforced on-going dialogue between NETL members. This year, that dialogue also focused on a joint book that will be published by the group in the coming year, provisionally entitled Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Research-Intensive Universities, as delegates refined the scope of the book, identified its target audience, made decisions on approaches to writing, and provided valuable feedback on draft book chapters that had already been submitted.

The gathering was rounded off with a brief review by Professor Grahame Bilbow, who observed that, although individual member universities are naturally distinct in their specific responses to economic, social and political forces pertinent to their jurisdictions, as research-intensive institutions, they are in many ways comparable and face many of the same opportunities and challenges. He then went on to summarise some of the conclusions that had emerged from our discussions.

First, it is clear that we share a concern about where centres for teaching and learning are located physically and conceptually within our universities. Across our membership, most universities have experienced a continual pendulum swing back and forth between centres being located centrally, on the one hand, and being located within specific academic units (such as faculties), on the other. It is clear that, wherever they are located, it is essential that centres be able to function independently to support the interests of the university as a whole.

A second concern we have is that, as research-intensive universities, we have a tendency to recognize and reward research achievements considerably more than teaching achievements, and dialogues in relation to teaching and learning in our universities may be somewhat sporadic. One way we discussed for countering this tendency, and where a number of universities have been very successful, is through the establishment of a teaching academy that recognizes and rewards teaching excellence and encourages communication between those who are committed to enhancing their students’ learning. Another way that has been successfully pioneered has involved formally recognising teaching standards and supporting professional/career progression in university teaching through the use of an independent yardstick, such as the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), which provides a framework for ensuring comparability of standards and gives university teachers a sense of career progression.

A third concern that several universities in the network have relates to practical ways in which academic staff can achieve a personal balance between, and synergy across, their teaching and research activities. Although this issue is a thorny one, and could not be fully resolved in a short discussion, nevertheless the discussion provided considerable food for thought.

Professor Bilbow ended by conveying his gratitude to all of the participants, facilitators and CETL/HKU colleagues who had attended the event. He also expressed his satisfaction with the fruitful discussions that had taken place, and the hope that the NETL group will continue to prosper in the future.

After a short discussion, it was agreed that the next NETL gathering will be hosted by Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands in June 2017.

NETL 2016 Conference Summary

President Mathieson: Girls4Tech is exactly what HeForShe envisages

Event video

HKU is a committed member of the UN campaign HeForShe. The overall goal of HeForShe is to spread awareness and spark actions on the responsibility that men and boys have in eliminating all forms of discrimination against women. TecHKU and TELI share the same vision. They mobilised a group of HKU students to organise a hands-on workshop “Girls4Tech” for secondary school girls in late February, and received enthusiastic support from our President Professor Peter Mathieson, “I’m particularly keen to see the University hosting this kind of event. This is exactly the kind of thing that the HeForShe campaign envisages. Starting at all ages – the idea of trying to improve gender equality. Technical careers are not just for boys, they’re for everybody.”

“Girls4Tech” aims to nurture computational thinking in secondary school girls and to inspire them on possibilities of developing a career in the tech sector. A detailed report on the event is available here.

Girls4Tech: student-led event aims to inspire girls to pursue opportunities in technology and computer science

360 degree group photo

Speech by President Mathieson: Girls4Tech is exactly what HeForShe envisages

On February 27, 2016, more than 120 bright young ladies from 17 local secondary schools gathered at HKU for the student-led event “Girls4Tech” to learn about careers in the tech industry and attempt hands-on coding exercises. Both our undergraduate organizers and the junior participants were greatly inspired by the experience.

At the one-day workshop, participants were engaged in a series of activities involving computing concepts such as coding, encryption, and sorting. In his opening speech, our President Professor Peter Mathieson encouraged young girls to challenge stereotypes and embrace new opportunities that our society has to offer in traditionally male-dominated sectors, including research, technology and computer science. “Technology is fundamentally about problem solving, and there’s no gender-specific environment to that,” he said. A number of distinguished women tech leaders also shared their career development journeys. Starting from March, participants will also be visiting tech giants such as Lenovo, Microsoft (Hong Kong), IBM, and Google to gain a deeper understanding of the tech industry.

“Girls4Tech 2016” was organized by TecHKU, short for The HKU Journal of Technology, formed by a group of students from the Faculties of Engineering and Social Sciences. This annual event aims to nurture computational thinking in secondary school girls and to inspire them on possibilities of developing a career in the tech sector. “We noticed that most companies in the region were trying to bridge the gender equity gap in technology by organizing similar events for university students, but we believed that such interests would be best triggered at a younger age,” said Vikay Narayen, student founder and consultant of TecHKU. According to a feedback survey conducted by TecHKU, 86.9% of the 85 respondents said they became more interested in tech after the event; 11% more reflected they are now interested to study ICT for the HKDSEs after joining the event.

(Source: TecHKU)

TELI was in full support of this event because we recognise the need to provide a broad range of knowledge exchange opportunities for our next generation, and we see the great potential of having our students empower their younger fellows. We deeply appreciate TecHKU’s initiative, which might have created life-long impact in the girls’ lives.

More photos of the event can be found on our Facebook and Instagram.
Stay tuned for more reports on the event.

Thinking Big, Starting Small: Hands-on Workshop on Creating Your SPOC

Workshop video

Developing small private online courses (SPOC) is an increasingly popular teaching strategy in higher education. On January 26th, TELI’s SPOC team organized an interactive workshop offering participants a rare opportunity to gain hands-on experience in creating a video that can serve as an online lecture.

One clear advantage of restructuring a lecture into a series of short online videos is portability across time and space – it allows students to learn anytime, anywhere. Students are free to pause and review sections of the videos, which is not possible in traditional lectures. Condensing a two-hour lecture into short videos of about 6 minutes each also tend to be more engaging.

While creating an online course may seem a daunting task, it can actually be done by following a simple three-step approach: revisiting the course structure, storyboarding and scripting, then studio filming. At the workshop, a mock-up filming studio was set up to give our participants a taste of video production. They were invited to draft a short script in groups and speak in front of the camera and a green or blue screen that can be chroma-keyed into any background that you like. The responses were positive overall. Participants commented that this experience made them “feel much more comfortable when someone tells [them] ‘let’s shoot a video’” and “it’s doable.”

The recordings were edited by our team and sent to individual participants after the workshop.

It is TELI’s mission to provide technological support to teachers in creating online videos and e-learning materials. We are re-running this interactive workshop in March – please contact us​ to schedule your session.

Halls & Society Forum

Halls & Society Forum

Halls & Society Forum
Date: 23 January 2016 (Saturday)
Time : 09:30 – 17:00
Venue : Multi-purpose Zone, 3/F, Main Library and Sun Yat Sen Place (the “Happy Park”), The University of Hong Kong.

To appreciate and discuss the challenges facing hall/residential education in The University of Hong Kong

Staff and students will share their views on hall/residential education and related co-curricular activities under these themes:

  1.  From past to present
  2.  Intellectual training and experiential learning
  3.  Society and Community immersion
  4.  The Way Forward

Forum Activities:

  1.  Panel discussions / Deliberation sessions / Oral presentations / Open sharing
  2.  Poster presentations

Onsite registration possible, but no guarantee of indoor places

For enquiries, please contact:
Ms. Michelle Cheng, Tel: 3917-1276, email:
Mr.  Edmond Yeung, Tel: 3917-8105, email: